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  • People who live in Otter Lake’s water zone, enjoy the benefit of potable running water provided by the Municipality.

  • Water is pumped from a well (located by Hughes lake) to the Municipal water tower. Chlorine is added to the water to kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses that commonly grow in the water supply. Ongoing testing of the water is performed to ensure it meets the government standards for safe drinking water. Safe drinkable water is a high priority for the Municipality.

  • You can help keep the cost of water economical by not wasting this valuable resource. Please read & follow the tips above on how to conserve the use of water. 

  • Note - The municipality also provides free access to potable water for all citizens at the Municipal hall.

Well/Ground Sourced Water 

As a well owner, you want your water to be clean, clear and safe for your family to drink. Your water may look clean and clear, but how can you be confident that it is safe?


While regular testing is important, you can prevent problems and protect the quality of your well water through proper maintenance.

As a private well owner, it is your job to be well aware – to understand the basics of well maintenance and operation, and to take the necessary actions to keep your water wells in safe running order.

Water Conservation Tips

Conserving water benefits the environment by allowing the Municipality to defer costly expansions to water treatment and distribution facilities in addition to wasting our most precious natural resource - water. 


Practice the three Rs and reduce your impact on natural resources, treatment and delivery systems, and save money.

  • Reduce - be aware of your water use, and consider ways to use less.

  • Repair- locate and repair leaks to save water, money, and to prevent potentially costly property damage.

  • Retrofit- install water saving devices on existing fixtures and select water efficient devices when replacing older, water-guzzling fixtures and appliances.

There's a leak somewhere, now what do I do?

The most likely place for a leak is the toilet. To check for leaks in your toilet, add a few drops of food colouring or a cold cup of black coffee to the water in the tank. Wait a few minutes. If, without flushing the toilet, the colour appears in the bowl your toilet has a leak that should be repaired immediately.


  • Other places for leaks - faucets and showerheads.

  • To check for leaks, make sure the sink or tub is dry, insert the plug into the drain, wait, check the sink or tub from time to time. You have a leak if water starts to pool in the sink or tub.

  • Don't forget to check all bathrooms, the kitchen and outside taps.


Why conserve?

The process of turning water into safe drinking water costs money due to the sophisticated processes, infrastructure, facilities, and chemical and electrical costs required to deliver this valuable product to homes in Otter Lake.


That's why people should use water more carefully in and around the home. Being WaterWise benefits the environment, and allows us to defer expanding our water facilities - saving residents added expense. 



Action Plan in Response to Presence of Lead in Drinking Water

Section 36.2 of the Drinking Water Quality Regulation states that “When water made available to a user from a distribution system serving more than 20 people and at least one residence does not comply with the quality standard for lead set out in Schedule 1, the person responsible for the distribution system must, no later than March 31 of the following year, draw up an action plan that includes a description of the measures he intends to take to remedy the situation, as well as a detailed timetable for these measures.


This action plan must be kept for a minimum period of 5 years by the person responsible for the distribution system, and a copy must be made available to the Minister on request.


In addition, when a municipality is responsible for the distribution system, a copy of the action plan must be published on its website.


  • Click here for more Water Conservation tips 

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