Municipality of Otter Lake - Action Plans
1) Sports Culture Leisure
Objectives/ Outcome
Partner with community organizations
Outcome: Optimization of resources and infrastructure increase in municipal jobs
Continue support of the Otter Lake R.A. Committee
Continue support of the Leslie Park Committee (Lifeguarding Opportunities)
Form an agreement with the Municipality and CSHBO for access to the Ste. Marie School Gym
Diversification of Leisure Activities
Outcome: Leisure activities available to residents of all ages
Children’s Programs (ice time)
Family Programs (infant to elder)
Sports Equipment
Outcome: Children equipped for activities
Equip children and teenagers for their leisure and sports activities
Outcome: Increase library use and respond to requested needs
Install children’s reading area and changing table at the library
Have reading activities, story-telling time
Computers with internet access and courses for seniors
Offer programs specifically for seniors
Purchase equipment for performing arts (Rideau)
2) Public Security
Objectives/ Outcome
Community Services
Outcome: Increased safety for residents
Continue supporting the Neighbourhood Watch Program
Maintain Autonomy
Outcome: Allow seniors to age at home
Promote Senior’s Abuse Awareness Programs, Fraud Prevention Programs
Security and First Aid
Outcome: Accident Prevention
Continue to maintain First Aid Kits and Defibrillator for the R.A. Hall
D) Arrange CPR and Defibrillator refresher courses for active Volunteers
Prepare Relief Programs
Outcome: Prevention and teenager community involvement
Install a cadet program for 14-17 yrs. old
3) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure
Objectives/ Outcome
Park Development
Outcome: Increased safety at locations, Increases physical activity
Add an enclosure at the R.A. Centre
Add games for all ages
Add benches, accessories for adults
Improve the safety of the baseball field (netting, higher fences)
Make the Municipal & Recreation Halls more accessible
Outcome: Respond to the needs of infants & seniors
Add a change table
Add an access ramp at RA
Add automatic door openers
Upgrade signage
Outcome: Helps all - old and new residents
Add signs indicating infrastructures (ex. Library, Municipal Hall, Parks)
Add solar street lights
Outcome: Increases security and "green" living
Identify the number and locations. Plan the work.
4) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure (Con't)
Objectives/ Outcome
Beautification of the Town
Outcome: Involves the citizens of the community, better use of municipal spaces
Landscape development competition by age: Child/Adult/Senior
Add benches for seniors
Add garbage cans
Promote clean-up of the town
Add handicap parking spaces
Outcome: Responds to the needs of the community
Municipal Hall, School, RA Centre
Develop a pedestrian path (seniors)
Outcome: Promotes healthy living
Create paved pathway`s and walking trails supporting safer walking & wheel chair usage
Promote Programs Outcome:
Increases safety and security of the residents
Promote Reno-Village (Residences adapted for independent seniors) (website)
Make home visits in conjunction with the prevention visits made by volunteer firefighters
Increase senior residences Outcome:
Increases available residency’s for seniors in the municipal territory. Allows seniors to age at home
Support the NPO Senior Residences project
Quality and Safety of Residences
Outcome: Ensures home safety (smoke detectors)
Establish a Home Visit program for the volunteer fire department
5) Transportation
4) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure (Con't)
Objectives/ Outcome
Pedestrian walkway
Outcome: Increases pedestrian safety
Identify pedestrian walkways and seniors routes
6) Municipal Organization
Objectives/ Outcome
Support Family Policy Committee
Outcome: Leadership and coordination of family and senior actions in the municipal territory
Elaborate the new mandates
Meet 2-3 times per year
Training: participate in the annual CAMF “colloque”
Meet with MRC RQF Coordinator
Welcome new families
Outcome: Information on activities and services of the municipality for families
E) Information pamphlet
Senior Recognition
Outcome: Give a sense of belonging
Certificates or letters to acknowledge significant birthdays (75 and each following 5 years)
Family Support
Outcome: Give a sense of sympathy
G) Donate to a cause on the death of a citizen
Respite care Outcome:
Respond to expressed needs. Allows seniors to live at home as long as possible
H) Study the possibility of respite caregivers for seniors
Outcome: Respond to expressed needs. Helps families during school hours and after school
I) Study the possibility of a baby-sitting service / municipal day care