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Municipality of Otter Lake - Action Plans

1) Sports Culture Leisure

Objectives/ Outcome 


Partner with community organizations 
Outcome: Optimization of resources and infrastructure increase in municipal jobs

  • Continue support of the Otter Lake R.A. Committee

  • Continue support of the Leslie Park Committee (Lifeguarding Opportunities)

  • Form an agreement with the Municipality and CSHBO for access to the Ste. Marie School Gym

Diversification of Leisure Activities
Outcome: Leisure activities available to residents of all ages

  • Children’s Programs (ice time)

  • Family Programs (infant to elder)

Sports Equipment 
Outcome: Children equipped for activities

  • Equip children and teenagers for their leisure and sports activities

Outcome: Increase library use and respond to requested needs

  • Install children’s reading area and changing table at the library

  • Have reading activities, story-telling time

  • Computers with internet access and courses for seniors

  • Offer programs specifically for seniors

  • Purchase equipment for performing arts (Rideau)

2) Public Security

Objectives/ Outcome 


Community Services 
Outcome: Increased safety for residents

  • Continue supporting the Neighbourhood Watch Program

Maintain Autonomy 
Outcome: Allow seniors to age at home

  • Promote Senior’s Abuse Awareness Programs, Fraud Prevention Programs

Security and First Aid 
Outcome: Accident Prevention

  • Continue to maintain First Aid Kits and Defibrillator for the R.A. Hall

  • D) Arrange CPR and Defibrillator refresher courses for active Volunteers

Prepare Relief Programs 
Outcome: Prevention and teenager community involvement

  • Install a cadet program for 14-17 yrs. old

3) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure

Objectives/ Outcome 


Park Development
Outcome: Increased safety at locations, Increases physical activity

  • Add an enclosure at the R.A. Centre

  • Add games for all ages

  • Add benches, accessories for adults

  • Improve the safety of the baseball field (netting, higher fences)

Make the Municipal & Recreation Halls more accessible

Outcome: Respond to the needs of infants & seniors

  • Add a change table

  • Add an access ramp at RA

  • Add automatic door openers

Upgrade signage
Outcome: Helps all - old and new residents

  • Add signs indicating infrastructures (ex. Library, Municipal Hall, Parks)

Add solar street lights 
Outcome: Increases security and "green" living

  • Identify the number and locations. Plan the work.

4) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure (Con't)

Objectives/ Outcome 


Beautification of the Town
Outcome: Involves the citizens of the community, better use of municipal spaces

  • Landscape development competition by age: Child/Adult/Senior

  • Add benches for seniors

  • Add garbage cans

  • Promote clean-up of the town

Add handicap parking spaces
Outcome: Responds to the needs of the  community

  • Municipal Hall, School, RA Centre

Develop a pedestrian path (seniors)
Outcome: Promotes healthy living

  • Create paved pathway`s and walking trails supporting safer walking & wheel chair usage

Promote Programs Outcome:
Increases safety and security of the residents

  • Promote Reno-Village (Residences adapted for independent seniors) (website)

  • Make home visits in conjunction with the prevention visits made by volunteer firefighters

Increase senior residences Outcome:
Increases available residency’s for seniors in the municipal territory. Allows seniors to age at home

  • Support the NPO Senior Residences project

Quality and Safety of Residences

Outcome: Ensures home safety (smoke detectors)

  • Establish a Home Visit program for the volunteer fire department

5) Transportation

4) Urbanism, Development, Infrastructure (Con't)

Objectives/ Outcome 


Pedestrian walkway

Outcome: Increases pedestrian safety

  • Identify pedestrian walkways and seniors routes

6) Municipal Organization

Objectives/ Outcome 


Support Family Policy Committee 
Outcome: Leadership and coordination of family and senior actions in the municipal territory

  • Elaborate the new mandates

  • Meet 2-3 times per year

  • Training: participate in the annual CAMF “colloque”

  • Meet with MRC RQF Coordinator

Welcome new families 
Outcome: Information on activities and services of the municipality for families

E) Information pamphlet

Senior Recognition 
Outcome: Give a sense of belonging

  • Certificates or letters to acknowledge significant birthdays (75 and each following 5 years)

Family Support 
Outcome: Give a sense of sympathy

G) Donate to a cause on the death of a citizen

Respite care Outcome:
Respond to expressed needs. Allows seniors to live at home as long as possible

H) Study the possibility of respite caregivers for seniors

Outcome: Respond to expressed needs. Helps families during school hours and after school

I) Study the possibility of a baby-sitting service / municipal day care

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